Archiv der Kategorie: Maven 2

Maven 2 | Nice Articles and Discussions

In this post I’d like to provide a link-list of new Maven 2 articles and discussions. After reading the actual post on Alexander Schatten’s Software Engineering Weblog about using Maven 2 as a standard build tool I kept on researching the following links: … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Maven 2 | Kommentar hinterlassen

Maven 2 and Archivia

These last days I spent some time on finding a solution to help the developers at my office in getting their build process faster. All the developers (still) use Maven 2.0.4 as their build-tool and Maven-Proxy as their internal office repository. But … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Maven 2 | Kommentar hinterlassen